Monday, July 30, 2012

Tool 11: Reflection

There are so many things I learned about it is difficult to remember them all! I really love skype and google docs. This will allow teachers to collaborate and share information so easily. Ipads are one of my student's favorite technology devices so it was terrific to learn more about them as well. I also loved BigHugeLabs which I never really paid any attention to before completing 11 Tools. What an amazing and interactive way to incorporate learning in the classroom!!

I believe our campus does an amazing job with technology and this will only allow us to try new things we may not have been aware of or comfortable with. I know I will personally use BigHugeLabs and many others I learned about but I am excited to see how we can use these tools to collaborate with different teachers for ARD's etc.

I must admit I was concerned about completing this but I really enjoyed it and did not feel it was too difficult to complete.

Tool 10: Digital Citizenship

At the age level of our students, this concept is a little difficult. However, I believe teaching students how to properly care for and use devices is important when they first have access to them. Reinforcing this with students through the use of modeling appropriate use of technology is just as important. For example, when I first teach a student how to use the computer, we begin with the mouse and developing the skills to maneuver the mouse. During this time, I find something that is highly motivating for them to see while they learn this. For example, a video of Thomas The Train if they love Thomas. I teach them never to touch buttons during the time they use the computer that would shut it off etc as this seems to be a problem.

This is a concept I also share with the parents of my students. I allow them to see the level of learning they are at on any device and encourage them to model appropriate use at home if they have access to these devices.

Tool 9: Classroom Based Devices

Children become enthusiastic learners when technology is involved and are highly motivated to use different devices. I know each of my students love the ipads and computer and wait for their time on these as if it is play versus learning. I love using Jacobs Lessons and First Words on the computer. Both of these programs collect data as the students progress through each skill and prompt students when they give an incorrect response and praise for correct responses. I also use Starfall as the students love this and they can learn their alphabet, follow along with reading selections, or do their daily calendar. I especially like the apps that allow the student to learn a specific skill and reinforces just as Jacob's Lessons and First Words do with correct and incorrect responses. The students like to follow along with stories as well. Several of my students this year learned to write using the ipad also. In addition to instruction using Handwriting Without Tears, I encouraged them to trace letters or words which they enjoyed.

Tool 8: Technology Devices

This year we received two ipads from Special Education. I love learning how to use the camera to record children's progress during a task and showing parents what their child is capable of. They loved to see the work in progress rather than just a simple discussion as it is difficult to portray exactly their skill level. I also loved learning how to search for all the apps my students can use as they all love the ipads.

We have not received other items from this list but this year, we are each getting a touch screen computer which I know the students will really enjoy. This will be especially helpful for those students who have difficulty using a mouse. Each of my students use the computer daily if they are able to and complete lessons using "Jacob's Lessons" and First Words.

Tool 7: Online Digital Projects

I could use this  to plan a lesson with a teacher on the campus in a PPCD classroom. This would be especially useful for any students I have who may have inclusion in the PPCD setting.
    1. Content objective: To develop a unit about transportation, gain an understanding of different forms of transportation
    2. When you plan to implement: This could be implemented with the transportation unit over a period of a couple weeks or a month.
    3. What tool(s) you plan to use: Skype, Ipad, flip videos, Utube
    4. A brief description of the project (plan - two or three sentences): Students can research different types of transportation watching videos on utube and make their own car, truck etc. Children can skype between classrooms sharing their car they made, discussing it if they are able to. Once they finish the project, the teacher along with students from both classrooms can make their own video sharing their car and the learning throughout the unit. I also like the idea of sharing the unit with a classroom perhaps at another school in any location.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Tool 6 Cloud Tools

I chose wallwisher for this tool. You can share information between teachers, parents and other family members when preparing for a teacher conference or ARD meeting.

A blog can be used to share vital information about each student, sharing between people such as each of their teachers, family members, related service professionals, and diagnosticians. This is a very valuable tool when preparing for an ARD.

Tool 5 Producing Tools

One of the tools I chose was Bookr. I made a book about Fall.

I used Big Huge Labs for this. You can choose pictures of items that reinforce a student and use this to motivate students while working. 

Tool 4 Google Docs

I made a folder of the document charting behavior. This is extremely helpful if you have a student who sees several teachers throughout the day to chart behavioral goals on the BIP or to chart behavior you need a baseline for.

These forms can be used to collaborate and share information with students who have multiple teachers or who are transitioning on to another school. This also can be shared with related service professionals to update information and data to help prepare instruction and collaborate for ARD's.

The form is extremely useful to compile information you want for each student.

Tool 3 Videos

This is just the basic ABC song

Here is another song ... Good Morning song sung by a 1st Grade class.

The copyright video first of all was hysterical! I had no idea the timelines changed from 14 years that copyright was protected to a lifetime now in addition to 70 years. What I couldn't quite tell though if it is considered acceptable to use something if it is considered fair use and the original idea or concept is not changed. I will have to do further research on that idea.

Tool 2 Blogging and Commenting

I enjoyed reading other people's posts. All these ideas allow us to share ideas and collaborate as a team. I really love using Jacob's Lessons with my students. There are a number of skills that every student needs and the site allows the students to complete each step independently, provides data sheets, ans is self-correcting.

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Tool 1 Blogger and Voki

Ok now what! So we are supposed to post what we think of this at this point? Very confusing.... My voki is made and now I am off and running to Tool 2.... YEA!