There are so many things I learned about it is difficult to remember them all! I really love skype and google docs. This will allow teachers to collaborate and share information so easily. Ipads are one of my student's favorite technology devices so it was terrific to learn more about them as well. I also loved BigHugeLabs which I never really paid any attention to before completing 11 Tools. What an amazing and interactive way to incorporate learning in the classroom!!
I believe our campus does an amazing job with technology and this will only allow us to try new things we may not have been aware of or comfortable with. I know I will personally use BigHugeLabs and many others I learned about but I am excited to see how we can use these tools to collaborate with different teachers for ARD's etc.
I must admit I was concerned about completing this but I really enjoyed it and did not feel it was too difficult to complete.
Yeah, you are all done. Great work.