Monday, July 30, 2012

Tool 9: Classroom Based Devices

Children become enthusiastic learners when technology is involved and are highly motivated to use different devices. I know each of my students love the ipads and computer and wait for their time on these as if it is play versus learning. I love using Jacobs Lessons and First Words on the computer. Both of these programs collect data as the students progress through each skill and prompt students when they give an incorrect response and praise for correct responses. I also use Starfall as the students love this and they can learn their alphabet, follow along with reading selections, or do their daily calendar. I especially like the apps that allow the student to learn a specific skill and reinforces just as Jacob's Lessons and First Words do with correct and incorrect responses. The students like to follow along with stories as well. Several of my students this year learned to write using the ipad also. In addition to instruction using Handwriting Without Tears, I encouraged them to trace letters or words which they enjoyed.

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